I've never done a blog before and really debated about starting this one. I don't know if I have enough ideas and projects to contribute on a regular basis. I decided to try it anyway. You never know if you don't give it a try! I thought I would start out with a little introduction. I am a SAHM. For those who aren't familiar with that acronym, it stands for Stay At Home Mom. After realizing that practically everything I was making was going to daycare, my husband and I decided it was best for everyone if I just stayed at home with the kids. This has led me to be even more crafty than I was before. I would like to think that I'm just being creative, but in reality we try to cut costs in as many ways as we can. That's part of what led me to start this blog. I figure that there is probably other stay-at-home-parents that would like to save a buck or two out there as well. I also thought it might be nice to show how easy some of my crafts are. I know people who think that they aren't crafty. I beg to differ. If you can cut and paste, you can be crafty!!
Now, I usually have 2-3 projects that I am working on at any given time. Just like a Mom to multi-task! I'm thinking of making homemade butter, doing a big scrapbook page on canvas, and I'm also working on a gift for a friend that recently had twin boys. So the next blog will be my adventure into butter. Until then... :)